Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Lets start from zero again...

....and work it till infinity.

To the moon and never go back.

First date again last night at Subak.

Going to celebrate our 14th anniversary in a couple of months. 

During this journey we both makes mistakes, have struggles and even regret things we have done to hurt each other. But we both know, you and I are not a mistake. We are what Allah swt choosed to happen. Lets us hold our hands tighter till forever. 

Just you and me.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

10 years

If I were given a choice, I would choose to change whatever happen 10 years ago. So that nobody could play victim for the chaos they created.

#10years #playvictim

Monday, November 22, 2021

I think Im ready..

Rethink. Replan. Reposition 

For our future - Mine, precisely.

Getting ready for a fullstop which will be my new beginning.

May Allah swt ease the small and major troubles in our life. From the one hidden from the world, to the very severe. May He brings comfort to us all.

...to let go.


Friday, November 19, 2021



Sunday, November 07, 2021

Cantikkan balcony

DIY pasang drainage cell, rumput karpet & rumput dinding.

Drainage cell. Fungsi dia supaya rumput karpet cepat kering kalau basah kena air hujan. Air akan mengalir turun bawah drainage cell ni. Tinggi benda ni dalam 3cm.

Lepas siap pasang drainage cell, baru bentang rumput karpet atas ni. Rumput ni besar. Kami beli jenis 'Natural artificial grass"Saiz 2.2 meter x 3.6 meter

Tadaa dah siap pasang. Rumput dinding tu kami guna dawai ringanmacam pagar halus yang orang duk pasang kat balcony untuk elak kucing jatuh. Paku kan dawai pagar ke dinding, pastu attach rumput ni kat dawai guna cable tie.

Baru lah sedap mata memandang hijau kat balcony. Pasni nak letak apa kat sini kasi cantik eh? Plan nak pasang kipas ceiling kat sini, baru best anak² nak main. 

Cantik rumput dinding ni. Beli kat area sungai buloh. Yang ni saiz dia kecik² 40cm x 60cm. Harga RM 23 per pcs. Untuk dinding ni, kami guna 25 pcs. 

Rumput karpet tu RM6.50 per sqf
Drainage cell RM10 per pcs. Kami guna 34pcs