Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ada 2XU marathon Ahad ni. Training.. training.

Sakit badan dari Nuang aritu dah fully recovered.  Rabu aritu lagi dah sambung rope skipping.

Tadi masa tengah buat chin-ups, Ariff tegur:

"Mommy, girls don't do exercise.  Boys exercise"


Tersenyum aku sengsorang.

p/s: Sis, tomorrow, ok.  I'll be ur ofis at 5pm. And pls, get urself a phone or pigeon. Susah la nak contact.

Appointment with breast surgeon

My appointment date suppose to be on 21 November next month. Yep, gila lama.

Year end, semua surgeon busy nak habiskan cuti. Yang ada semua fully booked. 

I've decided to change the appointment date to tomorrow.  I'm not good in waiting.  21st November is too long. I'd go crazy waiting.

But I will not get a lady doctor lah kan for tomorrow.

Who cares. 

Every second counts.

I got lump in my breast

Rasa macam baru je pertengahan tahun ni aku buat minor surgery untuk buang lump kat bawah armpit.

Still terasa lagi ngeri dengar bunyi blade hiris kulit walaupun taim tu aku under local anaesthetic.

Thot I won't be going through this again coz result lab tentang lump tu is not cancerous. It's just contain fat.

This few days pulak aku notis something else. Ada something different kat breast aku.

Tadi pergi klinik. Doktor cek dan confirm kan ada lump kat breast sebelah kiri.

Doktor bagi surat refer ke specialist.  Dia siap bagi dua nama breast surgeon kat Pantai Bangsar untuk aku pilih. Already set up appointment with one of them.

Ada sorang colleague terbaca surat refer doktor yang aku letak atas meja. Muka dia macam nak nangis bila pandang aku.

Haih. Ni yang aku tak suka ni.

Its not confirm yet. I don't want to semakkan kepala. Most important,  I don't need sympathy.  It makes me weak. I need support not sympathy.

Please lah.



All I want to do now is to enjoy my life. Every single day of my life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bila kena ngurat dengan budak bawah umur

Budak-budak sekarang memang advance. Ngurat pakai henfon ja.

Dengar suara, macam kenal. Ingatkan member yang call. Bila dah borak, aku start rasa pelik. Sebab yang bercakap tu duk tanya aku orang mana? Umur berapa? melayu ke? Tang melayu tu banyak kali lak dia tanya.. apa rupa aku ni macam cina kah? Sah-sah la kulit aku itam kan.

Cek nombor phone dia. Siap ada gambar yang keluar kat skrin, memang tak kenal pun.

Aku tanya dia nak apa. Saja nak kenal katanya. Dia dapat no aku dari facebook.

Hahaha demm. Ni la jadi kalau tak filter friend requests.

Bila aku refused nak jawab soalan dia, dia duk explain pasal diri dia pulak. Haih. Tanak kalah ni.

Dia kata umur dia 20. Asal dari Baling, Kedah.

Alahai dik.. ahkak tak minat la dengan anak ikan..hahahahaha.

Malas nak panjang cerita, aku tipu dia cakap umur aku 40 tahun.. wakakaka. Well in fact, lagi 6 tahun je umur aku nak genap 40 kan.. kira tak tipu sangat la kan.

Memula dia tak percaya. Dia cakap gambar aku tak nampak macam 40 tahun pun.

Aku tanya gambar yang mana dia tengok? Gambar aku dengan baby (kat header blog ni. Gambar ni aku guna untuk cover photo fb jugak). Ada ke dia cakap baby dalam gambar tu adik aku.. tak pun anak sedara aku.. wahhhhhh... kembang hidung aku sekejap. 

Untuk lebih meyakinkan penipuan ni, aku cakap la umur dia dah sebaya macam anak aku.

Terus gagap member.. hahahahaha.

Tapi aku impress gak la sebab dia tak terus off phone. Lepas minta maaf bagai baru dia letak phone.

Lepas tu aku cek balik nama dia kat skrin henfon. Good thing about smart phone, kita boleh detect dia punya Facebook account. Sebab tu gambar profile dia boleh keluar kat skrin aku.

Boleh tahan budaknya. Hensem.. (matey la 16 sebatan!). Anak ikan sangattttt tau. Not my taste oke. Terbayang keluar dating dengan adik sendiri.. oheemmgeeee!

Nak paste gambar dia kat sini, tapi tak sampai hati.. hihi. Biarlah.

Anyway, u made my day la dik. Like banyak-banyak.

Security guards yg pelik

Sesubuh buta dah kena amuk dengan aku.

Dah berapa kali elektrik kat rumah ni buat hal. Rumah aku sorang lak tu.

Sebelum ni dah pernah jadi elektrik takde taim malam.Aritu dah cek, kata security guard, fius main box dalam supply room terbakar. Dia kata nanti dia inform management untuk tukar. Sementara tunggu siang, dia offer baiki fius tu. Turn up to be boleh la pulak menyala elektrik kat umah ni. Dan sebagai balasan, that guard minta upah duit.

Apa kes kan? Tapi adik aku bagi jugak dia duit.

Subuh ni jadi lagi. Tension aku.

Kali ni aku sorang deal dengan guards kat sini. Suspicious ok bila tengok guard ni masuk bilik tu siap tutup pintu. Takde bawak tools apa pun selain test pen. Apa dia buat kat dalam pun aku tataw. Aku suspect dia sengaja cari duit poket camni kut.

As expected, elektrik kembali ada lepas dia buat aperntah dalam tu. Pastu cakap fius box dalam rumah aku rosak la, itu la ini la. Come on la orang TNB sendiri cakap main box dalam rumah aku ok je.

Paling tak boleh blah, baiki tak sampai 5 minit boleh minta upah duit upah katanya. Aku refused bagi. Ada lah 15 minit dia tunggu depan pintu rumah aku minta duit. Apehal kan? Kalau nak kena bayar servis dia sekalipun, aku nak resit from management.

Tapi lepas dia pergi dengan muka tak puas hati, aku jadi takut pulak. Buatnya dia jenis mental? Uwaa.. menyesal pulak aku tak bagi duit.

What should I do eh? Manalah tau kekalau dia aimed aku or family or harta benda aku... nauzubillah.

Tetiba baru nak sedar diri ni perempuan. Haih.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Morning Monday

Terlebih rajin pagi ni. Sempat buatkan pisang goreng untuk sarapan double A.

Mood steady.

Perisai semua dah siap polish. Come what may. I've prepared mentally & physically for the whole week.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wishlist II

Isnt shes a beauty?
I want this for my next birthday! Make it white - Solid white! Fall in love with her already.
All new Honda Jazz 2014
I want this
I want this
I want this
Sebut 44 kali means boleh dapat kan? Hahaha.



Mood swings

Balik dari gunung Nuang semalam terus demam mengejut.

Red eyes
Sore throat
Stomach ache
Muscle ache

Telan panadol. Tido.

Pagi ni dah ok sikit. Muscle je still sakit.

Esok malam ada wall climbing. Haih. Memang saja cari pasal kan.

Kena laratkan jugak lah. Dah berapa kali dah tukar tarikh training.


Note to dear sis:
Hope u can make it tomorrow.  I need a belayer. Most important,  I need my climbing partner.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday I miss u

Oh Friday, do you know how I'm looking forward to see you.

Amost lost my mind here.

Nemind.. nemind.

Now that you're here, I felt better already.


Note to my sista yang henfon-less coz her note-II hancus:

See u later tonight okay. Got to make sure everythings ready for our plan tomorrow :)

And make sure u watch that video! Hahaha.

Lets go crazy. Just the two us! Tomorrow!


Thursday, October 24, 2013


Tercabar betul kesabaran aku petang ni.


Sabar aD.

No point kalau aku mengamuk kat sini.

No point.

No point.

No point.

No point.

Low point!

My choice.

I'm looking at my life through a wrong end of a telescope.

It's wrong. I know.

But I choose to ignore it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ariff dengan basic mathematics in english

I just loveeeee this video. Ariff belajar simple math dalam english.

Banyak lagi video camni aku share kat tapi tak sempat nak upload kat sini :)

Ending keek ni sangat comel. Kiss bebanyak kat hero kecil mummy!

Oct 23, 2013 | counting :) by adlyana79 on

Sista sista

Lunch with my crazy sista kat Sogo. Love her so much!

Shopping lelaju. Jalan lelaju. Makan lelaju. Cakap lelaju.

Nak balik ofis tadi pun kelam kabut sampai ter-kiss kat mulut lelaju.. blearrghhhh.. hahahahaha.

Again and forever,  I love u sis!



Balik dari ofis tadi straight ke Gardens, Mid Valley.  Merambu sengsorang. 

Plan nak cari barang outdoor. Tapi banyak yang takde dari ada. Sudahnya benda lain yang dibeli. Haha.. alasan nak shopping kannn.

Eniwei, best. Terapi yang sangat berkesan. Kaki sakit berjalan pun takpe, senyum tetap sampai telinga.

Balik rumah, Ariff ajak layan dia menari pulak. uwaaa.. dengan kaki sakit ni.

Ariff buka lagu Gentlemen Psy, tapi menari ala Gangnam. Asyik nak meniarap bawah kelangkang aku ja. Amarr pulak kejenya nak gigit bontot aku.. asal bontot aku bergoyang je, dia dah stanby kat belakang.. aduyai. Failed.

Aku je yang beria menari ikut step. Haih. Out la camnih. Tak boleh audition untuk So You Think You Can Dance.. huhu

Anw, thats another therapy for tonight.  The kids really made my day.

Right, ahkak penat gila malam ni. Skip study, aci la eh.

Monday, October 21, 2013

10km for Adidas King of the Road


The best marathon ever sebab route dia lurus ja. Lebih best bila aku tak kisah nak cari water station. Kalau route marathon lain bagai setengah nyawa nak menyampaikan ke setiap water station.. haha.

Stamina pun best. Muscle relax. Enjoy. 

Next 2XU Compression Run - 3 November nanti. 

Layan gambar je lah. Iols nak study.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Received PIBM running pack via courier

Running pack untuk Penang Bridge marathon dah sampai. Nice.

Aku baru perasan bulan November ni, tetiap weekend ada marathon. Bila masa aku sign up pun tak ingat.. haha. Harap kaki & tangan aku tak bermuscle ketul-ketul. Kalau perut berketul takper.. hahaha.

Yuna (Incubus) : I miss you

To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real

To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold utopian dream

You do something to me that I can't explain
So would I be out of line if I said
"I miss you?"

I see your picture
I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine

You have only been gone ten days
But already I'm wasting away

I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon

But I need you to know that I care 
And I miss you

Friday, October 18, 2013

Searching for a Soulmate

Simple Friendships
These friendships are based on only one type of interaction.

Associate: This is the type of friend you’d have around one context like school, church, work, gym, or similar. The relationship revolves around that specific thing, and you barely ever talk about anything else.

Useful Contact: With this type of friend, you exchange useful information, job opportunities, industry news, you introduce each other to people, exchange tips on good deals, etc. But, you don’t discuss personal matters with each other.

Favor Friend: This the type of friendship you could have with a nice colleague or neighbor. You don’t go out together, but you help each other with the simple stuff: giving a lift, helping with some DIY job, keeping the cat for a couple of hours, etc. This friendship can evolve and become more intimate, but it can also fade away if you no longer see each other.

Fun Friend: This is the type of friend that makes you take yourself less seriously. You can meet and interact in different places and contexts, but it’s not about more than having fun and enjoying each other’s company. You don’t dwell on each other’s problems, even if you happen to talk about them. The friendship doesn’t require a lot of investment from you; it’s just about relaxing, having a drink, partying, laughing, etc However, fun friendships have a great potential to become more intimate and personal.

Complex Friendships
Complex friendships are based on multiple ways of relating, and interacting.

Helpmate: This is like having two simple friendships in one; you socialize with this person, and you help each other as well. This one you can ask for lifts to the airport, and call during emergencies like car accidents. But you won’t reveal all your secrets and insecurities to this friend, because they’re easily shocked or because they happen to judge too quickly, for example. You don’t rely on your helpmate for emotional support.

Comforter: A comforter is a step forward from a helpmate; you socialize, help each other, and provide emotional support for each other. This kind of friend is generally present in case of the loss of a family member, a breakup, loss of a job, or similar. You trust each other enough to talk about fears, frustrations, and insecurities; you look to lift each other’s spirit.

Confidant: With this kind of friend, you can support each other emotionally, and you also enjoy each other’s company when you meet. He or she doesn’t necessarily live near you. With this friend, you can confide in each other about anything, and not just when something bad happens. You talk about your goals, your secret opinions, but also your general life challenges.

Soulmate: Don’t get me wrong, I’m still talking about friendship, not romance. A soulmate is the most complex and multi-faceted type of friendship. This is the kind of person you can’t believe how lucky you are to have in your life. With a soulmate, you enjoy each other’s company, you help each other, you provide emotional support, you confide in each other, and you share a similar outlook on life. Some philosophers call this, “Seeing The Same Truth”; this is the most ideal form of friendship. This the kind of friend that wouldn’t betray you, no matter what happens. You’re committed to being each other’s friend, even without realizing it. Moving away or not meeting for a year won’t change this friendship that much.

Closing Words
Although each friendship is unique, it generally falls in one of these categories. This list will help you understand your friendships better, while learning the skill of making friends will allow you to first create simple friendships, and evolve them into intimate ones whenever you want.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Esok last kelas

Esok last kelas. Tatau nak hepi ke tak. Wish nak duduk dalam kelas ja sampai tarikh exam. Tapi apakan daya. Kena masuk ofis. Hampir seminggu tak masuk ofis minggu ni. Confirm berdarah mata nak clearkan email.

Nasib baik pasni boleh apply 2 hari study leave. Which tak termasuk dalam annual leave. Selamatttt. AL aku tinggal berapa hari je lagi.. huhu.

Di saat AL nyawa-nyawa ikan ni boleh pulak member hantar invitation ke gunung Chamah. Geremmm je dibuatnya. Pakkal cuti aku tak cukup. 

Sokay beb sokay.

Nak belek jadual jap. Nak buat daypack gunung Angsi yang tertangguh aritu. Haih.

oh running vest Adidas dah dapat. mine kaler pink. yeah, 'aD is all in' katanya. thanks cik aisya coz tolong collect untuk iols :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My marathon list

Exam makin dekat. Haih.

Dalam kelas tadi lebih pada prep-class. Recap dan focus pada latihan je. Sikit lagi nak migrain tengok beratus-ratus soalan latihan. Siap ada homework lagi kena siapkan untuk esok! Kejam sungguh lecture ni. Tapi I like her so much.. hahaha. Thanks for the tips and ilmu sensei!

Anw, just nak update my marathon schedule setakat ni:

Adidas King of The Road : This Sunday, 20 Oct
Salomon X-trail : 10 Nov
Penang Bridge : 17 Nov
Petzl Trail Night Run : 28 Dec

Hmm.  Tak sure kalau ada marathon lain yang aku lupa nak masukkan kat dalam list ni. Kalau takde yang lain, Petzl Night Run ni akan jadi marathon penutup untuk tahun ni. Cool eh?

Pastu, looking forward for next adventurous xtvts in 2014 pulak.


Savage Garden: I want you

Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place
Where your crystal minds and magenta feelings
Take up shelter in the base of my spine
Sweet like a chica cherry cola
I don't need to try to explain
I just hold on tight and If it happens again 
I may move so slightly to the arms
And the lips and the face
Of The Human Cannonball that
I need to I want to

Come stand a little bit closer
Breathe in and get a bit higher
You'll never know what hit you when
I get to you

Ooh I want you, 
I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out
Ooh I want you, 
I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out

I'm the kind of person who endorses a deep commitment
Getting comfy getting perfect is what I live for
But a look and then a smell of perfume
It's like I'm down on the floor
And I don't know what I'm in for
Conversation has a time and place in the interaction
Of a lover and a mate but the time of talking
Using symbols, using words can be likened 
To a deep sea diver who is swimming with a raincoat


Ramai member & sedara mara tanya apa aku nak buat kat kawasan lapang tepi rumah ni.

Yang siap suggest memacam pun ada. Suruh buat swimming pool la, playground la, besarkan rumah la.. etc.

Honestly, plan awal aku just nak biarkan kawasan ni kosong. Just tanam rumput karpet dan beberapa batang pokok kelapa pandan kat tepi pagar. Pastu letak sebiji gazebo. Thats it.

Senang anak aku or anak-anak buah yang masih kecik nak berlari & main kat tepi tu.

Swimming pool high maintenance.  Tunggu aku kaya la.. haha.

Tapi sekarang aku dah ada  ce-cita baru. Aku nak tambah satu wall climbing area kat bahagian belakang kawasan lapang ni. Bebetul belakang rumah banglo setingkat tu.. hihi. The rest of the plan remain the same - rumput, pokok kelapa pandan & gazebo.

Mamoru pun berminat dengan idea nak buat wall climbing kat rumah sendiri. Awalnya dia prefer buat satu space dalam rumah untuk buat wall ni. Bila aku suggest buat kat laman luar, terus dia setuju.

Not sure berapa kos untuk buat wall ni. For sure mahal. Thats why kena letak under wishlist :)

Anak-anak aku semua jenis suka memanjat. Kalau bawak derang pergi climbing area, memang memasing excited terlampau. Aku je yang risau takut derang injured. 

So the best way, is to train them. Esp about safety the right techniques for this kind of outdoor activity.

I want to write more but got to go. My class is about to start :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Cuti yang tak cuti

Was supposed to be on leave today. Tapi ada urgent meeting. Whatever.

Anw it is okay. Esp bila my boss personally call aku sampai 2 kali pagi ni just to say thank you sebab sacrifice my cuti.

Err.. jangan nak thank you aje yer boss. Nothing comes for free.. haha.

Ada benda buat aku tersenyum bila masuk ofis pagi ni. Serious lawak. Seram pun ada la sikit.

Jumaat lepas, aku stayback kat ofis sampai pukul 10 malam camtu. Settlekan keje sebab this one whole week supposed aku tak masuk ofis langsung.

Taim tu tinggal aku berdua je dengan sorang colleague dalam department. Memang sunyi gila tingkat 26 ni walau kat tetengah KL.

Tengah sibuk buat keje aku terdengar colleague aku ni (dia pompuan) terkejut. Dia duk tenung cermin tingkap yang menghadap klcc. Muka dia pucat gila.

Aku tegur dia. Tanya ok tak?

Dia toleh kat aku pepelan. Dia cakap dia nampak sesuatu kat tingkap.  Dia nak cakap something lagi tapi aku cecepat angkat suruh dia stop. Aku rasa aku tahu apa dia nak cakap.

Serious, muka dia dah macam orang nak kena histera. Cuak aku dibuatnya. Aku ni nak kata berani, takde lah sangat. Nak kata takut, tak terasa lagi taim tu.. haha.

Aku tanya dia nak balik ke? Kalau nak balik, jangan tutup lampu. Aku nak stay sikit lagi.

Tapi dia insists aku balik sekali. Laju tangan dia capai beg pastu tarik aku jalan keluar dia dia. Tak sempat aku nak shut down pc. Sempat off monitor je.

Keluar aje lift kat ground floor, baru aku tanya kenapa dia jadi camtu.

Katanya, dia nampak something. Aku assured cakap maybe burung yang melintas depan cermin tu. Yelah, level 26 tu tinggi kot. 

Tapi dia geleng-geleng. Dengan muka still pucat, dia cakap that "thing" bukan dekat luar tingkap. Tapi bebetul kat belakang dia. Dia nampak reflection dari cermin tingkap depan dia.


Aku tak terkata apa. 

Nota kaki: Kadang-kadang aku rasa lebih berani duduk dalam hutan dari duduk kat dalam bandar. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bila penat study, buat ini.

Ain't It Funny

It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives
We can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives
Each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chance

Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny 
And you can't move on even though you try 
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh, I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life 
And you don't want to face what's wrong or right 
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart

Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I've found in you
And I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid

Friday, October 11, 2013

Update xpdc gunung Murud, Sarawak

Penyertaan dah ditutup

Peserta 13 orang.

Time estimate, 7 hari (termasuk flight pergi & balik)

KL - Miri - Bario - Bakalalan - Miri - KL 

Gunung ni adelah yang terakhir dalam list G5. Suppose aku conquer gunung ni tahun 2011 lagi. Gila lama tertangguh.

Anw, tak lari gunung dikejar kan.

So, Murud, cant wait to see the beauty of you. 

Line up team Murud hebat-hebat belaka. Dengar cerita ada yang pergi Everest. Power ah.

Its Friday.. finally.

Haih. Tak payah nak enjoy sangat lah.Kerja kat opis melambak nak kena settle by today. 

Next week, one whole week aku tak masuk opis. Attend kelas kat Bangi - which is gooooood. Tapi, tak payah nak gooood sangat lah coz exam lagi berapa minggu je lagi. Tsk.

Oh, peperiksaan!

Note: pecah rekod layan Guns & Rosesf for the whole week. I'm easily distracted. Gn'R songs really make me focus. Good. Think I'll hang on to it for the next couple of weeks :)

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Weekend wife

Sorang colleague kat opis aku mengadu maid dia nak balik Indon. Dia risau tak dapat nak juggle between house chores dan keje ofis. Dia ada sorang anak form 3. Husband keje Petronas. Hmm.. yang ni I dont get it.

Sorang lagi colleague mengadu maid lari. Dia risau tak ada orang jaga baby. Dia ada 3 anak kecik. Yang keempat coming soon. Husband selalu overseas.  Yang ni aku faham kalau dia mengeluh. Sejuta kali pun aku faham

Sometimes kita tak reti nak bersyukur.

Aku pun kengkadang mengeluh jugak. Masuk tahun ni dah tahun kedua aku jadi weekend wife. Dengan dua anak kecik lagi. Life's a bit tough.

Tanpa bantuan maid pulak tu. Memang agak huru hara. Tapi nak buat macam mana. Nak transfer takde kekosongan. Takkan nak berhenti keje pulak. Hutang rumah, keta saper nak bayar? Nak tanak kena terima je lah.

Serious cakap lah jaga anak sengsorang memang payah. Life jadi macam robot. Takde rehat. Nak suap nasi kat mulut sendiri pun tak sempat. Yelah, budak kecik bukan faham kalau kita cakap "tunggu kejap". Dia kalau nak apa-apa, kena entertain taim tu jugak. Kalau tak dia punya mengamuk.. haih.

Nenek aku penah cakap. Layan anak sampai nasi dalam pinggan kembang dan sejuk. Tengok pun tak selera nak makan dah.

Kata nenek lagi,  kalau tak pandai bagi masa taim jaga anak, pegi kencing pun tak sempat nak cebok (basuh).. haha. Ekceli bahasa nenek aku kasar lagi. Maklum orang Melaka. Ini pun aku dah translate guna ayat yang paling sopan.

Ada anak kecik kat rumah bermakna, rumah akan sentiasa bersepah. Kalau anak sorang, boleh cope lagi tahap bersepah tu. Kalau dua atau lebih.. humangaiiiii. .. derang punya teamwork dalam menyepahkan rumah memang mantap. You can never have a tidy house. Semenet pun tak boleh. Never oke. So, bersedia untuk duduk dalam sarang tikus.

Tipulah kalau aku tak rasa down. Aku manusia biasa beb. Bila stress & penat, emosi jadi tak tentu. Rasa nak nangis, nak marah, nak jerit, etc.

Tapi yang bestnya, tho anak buat aku stress, anak jugak adalah ubat yang paling mujarab untuk semua masalah emosi kat atas ni. Pasal tu lah aku tak bagi Mamoru bawak anak-anak tinggal dengan dia. Without my kids,  I'm nothing.

Rutin aku start seawal pukul 4.30 pagi. Kemas rumah yang macam tongkang pecah. Prepare susu and breakfast untuk double A. Prepare baju sekolah, baju spare etc. Kalau bangun on time, sempat la exercise rope skipping n push ups (penting untuk maintain mental & body fit). Pastu mandi.

6.30am mandikan double A pulak. Lepas breakfast hantar derang pegi school. Pastu pegi keje. Kalau tergerak nak keluar berjalan, time ofis hour je lah boleh pegi.

By 6.30pm fetch double A dari school. Sampai rumah dah malam. Masak simple dinner untuk double A. Lyan derang main toys. Golek-golek kejap dah pukul 10pm. Time to sleep untuk double A. Aku either tertido sekali dengan derang atau berjaga untuk study or draft entry for this blog.

Thats it.

Bila baca rasa macam aik biasa je. Tapi try jaga budak kecik tengok. Kalau takde kesabaran konpem kes dera berlambak-lambak.. hahaha.

Tu yang duk garu kepala kalau orang tanya bila nak tambah anak lagi.

Cukup lah dua orang nih kot. Hahaha. Seriau nak go through all the hassle, worrying, baby blues or stress bila ada baby kecik. Guess I'm not so lucky cos I don't have my mom, or mom-in law to help me with the baby. I dont have maid too. Too scared to get one.. haha. Husband pun jauh. So, berpuas hati  je lah dengan apa yang ada.

One day, when my kids grown up and start to live their life, aku nak spend my time travel the world. Hiking Anapurna circuit ke, backpacking, climbing, etc... hahaha. 

Cover balik time yang aku sacrifice untuk besarkan dua budak comel ni. Reward myself. Lagipun, bila anak dah besar, aku akan jadi less important dalam hidup derang. I'm ok with it.

I just have to make life more beautiful for my future. :)

Bedtime story

Untuk bedtime story double A malam tadi, aku try method baru. Tak baca direct dari buku tapi create cerita guna imaginasi.

Aku pernah try cara nih sebelum ni tapi double A macam tak minat sebab takde buku bergambar yang derang boleh tengok.

Try nak cerita tentang para Nabi & sahabat tapi maybe Ariff cepat distracted.  Maybe dia tak faham or maybe cara penyampaian aku tak ok lagi. Haih. Maybe later.

Tapi last night memang best. Ariff turut participate dan contribute few part dalam story ni.

Note: Bercerita dengan Ariff kena dalam english. Kalau tak berbuih mulut nak menjawap soalan dia:
"what is that?"
"what is terbang?"
"what is.. what? what?"

So start my storytelling begin with "Once upon a time..."

Haha, mat salleh sangat kan.

Cerita malam tadi tentang diri Ariff sendiri. Tentang apa yang dia buat dalam sehari kat sekolah. Ariff jenis tak rajin nak cerita aktiviti dia kat sekolah. Surprisingly,  cara ni bukan je boleh buat Ariff create the story sesama dengan tapi secara tak langsung,  Ariff bercerita tentang apa yang dia buat kat sekolah.

Aku: Once upon a time, there is one handsome boy named Ariff. He is very kind and soooooooooo hansomeeeee (saja tekan ayat hensem tu). Every morning Ariff went to school. He love his school so much.. bla bla bla... Before class started, Ariff and his friends will line up facing the Qibla and perform solah..

Ariff: Yes, solah like this mommy.. (show hands movements) Allahuakbar...

Aku: Yes, like that. Good Ariff. After solah, Ariff will have his breakfast.  Ariff love to eat......?

Ariff: Roti kaya and water. Ariff eat 4 roti kaya. Yummy!

And the story continues.

The best part is Amarr pun took part contribute for this story..hihi.

Malam ni nak cerita tentang apa pulak eh? Think, aD Think.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Bila balik malam

Trying not so new hobby. Never went pro when capturing photo like this. Tried few time to do it seriously. Tapi easily distracted.  Cepat bosan. How I wish they create a camera that can read my mind or can take pics exactly the way my eyes see it... hahahaha. Dasar pemalas nak belajar amik gambar.

Layan gambar amateur yang aku capture masa on the way balik dari opis. Taken last week.