Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Last day MC

Hari ni last MC. Esok start masuk ofis semula. 
22 hari cuti kerja dalam bulan May ni. Cuti tapi tak enjoy lah sebab hospitalized & sakit kan. 

Alhamdullilah dah beransur pulih. Cuma badan masih tak kuat. Dunno how to describe it. Belum 100% sembuh. Based on my reading, I need at least 3 to 6 months to fully recover. 

Excercise yang kena focus sekarang mostly breathing control & walking. Jogging memang tak mampu sebab badan cepat penat. 

Its ok. One at a time. Lets focus untuk sembuh 💪 

Terima kasih Mamoru love & kiddos for the love & support. ❤️

I was supposed to dress Ariff up for "raya dulu-dulu" theme. But Mamoro had to takeover and did a very good job!


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