Hello aunties & uncles, this is my first time sitting in my own car seat. Cool eh? I got this as a present when I was still in mummy's womb. Cant wait to go jalan-jalan! So, now, where're we going today, mummy? Are you going to buy more books & toys for me?
*Mummy's voice from the kitchen: Ariff, your dad wont allowed you using that car seat. He said its too big for you.. and, we're not in the car, dear.

What? We're not in a car? That's mean no new books & toys for me????

Grrr... somebody pls get me outta here!!
cutenyer bb ariff..
aD..dah besar la dia..ehehehe~ comel tu
hahahahaha i suka baca script!
comelnyer arif..:)
ala comeinya...pandai wat face expression :-)
hi..blog walking...luv reading ur blog..i think my harriz sebaya dgn Ariff.. muax to Ariff.. =)
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