Mummy Ariff ke nih?

Mummy Ariff yang over excited!

Plan asal nak cari kek kecik je, tapi tak jumpa, so beli je lah yang besar

Selamat hari lahir yang ke sebulan, Ariff. Mummy & Daddy doakan yang terbaik untuk awak!

Again.. aksi me & Mamoru yang teruja nak sambut birthday anak sendiri (Nak tunggu setahun lambat sangat, dapat sambut yang sebulan pun jadi laaa.. haha)

Oppss kata birthday Ariff tapi gambar birthday boy nyer sikit je.. Maaf ya, birthday boy tidur laa taim nih. Tu pun aku curi-curi angkat dia tau.

Potong kek sesama (Ariff masih lagi tidur - he dont even bother to celebrate pun.. hihi)
Anw, sempena birthday Ariff yang sebulan nih, mummy nak nyanyi satu lagu special yang selalu mummy nyanyikan untuk Ariff taim Ariff tidur. Dari band favourite mummy:
Michael Learns To Rock - Sleeping Child
The Milky Way upon the heavens
is twinkling just for you
and Mr. Moon he came by
to say goodnight to you
I'll sing for you I'll sing for mother
We're praying for the world
and for the people everywhere
gonna show them all we care
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wild
but you've build your own paradise
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping child
If all the people around the world
they had a mind like yours
we'd have no fighting and no wars
there would be lasting peace on Earth
If all the kings and all the leaders
could see you here this way
they would hold the Earth in their arms
they would learn to watch you play
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wide
but you've build your own paradise
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping child
I'm gonna cover my sleeping child
Keep you away from the world so wild
cepat je kan dh sebulan..... ariff tido gaya cam wafiq dulu la!!! hihihi cumel!!
happy 1st month old baby ariff..
ala...xpe...belilah kek kecik ke kek beso ke...janji ad n family happy..
wah...ad tetap menten slim gitu..apa petua yea...
comel nyer baby ariff..
happy birthday yg ke sebulan..
instead of ariff, mummy dia tu looks so cute ikat rambut camtu....
pose mummy & daddy dia yg over excited tu pon kite suka....lovely sgt!!!
setahun tu kejap je..pejam celik..
wah kemain lagi kan... Happy birthday to baby ariff... :)
harus nanti yg ke setahun buat besar2 ran nie..
ariff jap je dah sebulan..
kan main lagi mama ariff menten cun..
nak skit kek.
this is one of the proud parents that i know :) and i'm happy for u!
hello..my lil princess adriana wish kt baby ariff..HAPPY BIRTHDAY YG KE SEBULAN..yea..ariff dh sebulan..so sweet coz ariff ader mummy n daddy yg best..!
p/s: mummy ariff still vouge da vass..xmcm br pas bsalin.. ;)
kek yg sedap tu ariff x blh mkn lg. jadi aku dah tlg mkn kan sepotong. nak mkn lebih... x mampu wehh.
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