Saturday, December 01, 2012


Lama tak interprem kat sini. 

Dah masuk bulan December. Kurang sebulan lagi nak masuk tahun baru. Ahhh, tahun baru, usia tambah lagi satu. Seremnya bila usia makin meningkat ni. Rasa macam baru sekejap aku celebrate 33th birthday,cepatnya nak menginjak 34th. Hish.. Ngeri la sebut pasal umur ni. No wonder ramai perempuan berahsia tentang usia.

Lately, aku agak kurang motivasi untuk menulis. Tak ada masa pun iya juga. Bekerja siang hari dan jaga anak-anak seorang diri (without maid, without husband) adalah cukup tough ok. You can never have time for yourself. You can never finish your meal. You can never have a sound sleep. You can never stop being anxious all the time, You can never rest, etc. Banyak lagi lah. But the weird thing is, you never get tired. You never get bored. You never give up. And you'll never ever feel lonely.. Guess that what make semua mommies strong eh?

Anw, macam mana nak terus memotivasikan diri ini menulis macam dulu ek? 



Ok, gotta get my 'gun' ready for tomorrow's event, and got to jot down few things before I forgot:
1. New running shoes
2. Payment for via Ferrata
3. New battery for my Sony
4. What else? Cant think. Too sleepy to think but cant sleep. The boys still tak tidur lagi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As Salam, i am currently conducting a survey about mosque in Malaysia for my master thesis. it would be a big help if u could help me to answer the survey. Thanks in advance.