Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Not me obviously. Im receiving more than enough.


This is for someone I used to know.  Someone who love to play victims. Someone who love to terjah orang dengan harsh and twist it back using agama, etc - pretend innocent. Someone yang buat aku asyik nak mengalah, rasa diri salah, sampai to the extent nak keluar dari KL ni (to that extent okay.. semata nak jaga hati). 

That someone juga ajar aku untuk pentingkan diri and do not bother about other people's feeling (thanks for that, and only that). Yep, since that someone tak pernah give a damn pun about my feelings sampai aku depressed & asyik blame diri sendiri.

To that someone, I'm still gonna be here whether u like it or not. Perhaps its ur time pula untuk consider moving out from KL ni, so tak perlu nak meroyan selalu bila dah jauh. Bawa semua sekali pindah jauh2 ya.


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