Thursday, May 03, 2018

Selection Bali Marathon 2018

Will be attending the selection for Bali Marathon 2018 under Maybank sponsorship.

But Im not sure if I wanted to run in Bali again this year because:
1. I promised myself that Gold Coast will be my last marathon in this year as I want to prepare and concerntrate for one major race next year.
2. The date clashed with Mamoru's hiking trip. He will be in Japan on that date. So I got nobody to take care kiddos.

But whatever it is, I will still go for the selection coz it will be a mini 10k run which is good for my speed simulation.

And If  I were selected, the will be two possibilities:
1. Either I let go my slot to the first runner up and stick to my decision with no marathon till next year or;
2. I proceed join Bali marathon but have to bring someone with me to take care kiddos as there is no way Im leaving them 1000 miles away with other people (since Mamoru also not around).

So we will see.. 😘

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