Thursday, February 03, 2022

Day 59 training with kiddos

Esok last training. 


Lets see what kiddos have done so far:

Jogging ✔
Pull up bar ✔
Jump rope ✔
Turun naik tangga ✔
Others : Jumping jack etc ✔

And yes kiddos nailed all of it!

Ariff dan Amarr dari nak jump rope satu kali pun tak lepas masa awal December aritu, now dah boleh buat 1000 kali each session in less than 20 minutes.

Dari tak boleh nak bergayut more than 2 seconds now dah boleh buat chin up few time each session

Dari turun naik tangga 1 loop 15 tingkat masa first day start training, now selamba buat 4 kali dengan senyuman di pipi.

What an achievement! Alhamdullilah

Aleesya? She is doing ok. She stopped training almost  two weeks in January due to urinary tract infections (UTI) that causes pain when she pee. Alhamdulillah that gone now. And she already resume training last week. Syukur alhamdullilah.

Thats why Mamoru bought the Deuter carrier for her, just in case dia tak larat nak berjalan coz tak cukup training.

Untuk minggu terakhir ni, kami focus pada carbo load, hyration, nutriens dan rehat secukupnya. Selain training, semua ni penting untuk elak atau setidaknya kurangkan dari Accute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Kiddos also taking vitamins C on daily basis for this trip.  We bought veloxin too (couldnt find diamox) This medicine is to be taken a day before the hike. Its similar with diamox acetazolamide (to prevent mountain sicness) Kita usaha dan tawakkal. 

We plan. Allah swt plans. But Allah swt is the best planner.


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