Saturday, February 05, 2022

Day 60 training kiddos - Lastttt day!

Day 60 training with kiddos. Our last day training before depart to Sabah next Monday. 

Something happened today, subhanallah. Pagi tadi received called from Sabah Park. They informed us Aleesya cannot climb Kinabalu with us.

As per their new SOP (effective 3rd Nov 2021), any child below 12 are not allowed to ascend the summit. We overlooked that one.

I was devastated. Couldnt imagine leaving Aleesya kat kaki gunung with one of us while the rest continue the journey without her. 

Called Sabah Park. Made an appeal for our case. Since all of us have made reservations at Panar Laban. If they want to cancel Aleesya's they would have to cancel all of us. We will not leave her behind. Susah senang sama-sama. 

While waiting for Sabah Park's decision later that afternoon, I already come out with back up plans. E.g., just hike Sasodikon hill or camping or road trip tour Sabah,  island etc. Tried pujuk hati, redha. Dan tried susun ayat untuk explain pada kiddos. 

And that is when that miracle happened -  Sabah Park called me - again -  Informed the good news! Praise to Allah swt. They told us Aleesya can proceed with the climb next week. Alhamdullilah. They even assured us not to worry as they will update their website and their socmed to remove the restriction from their SOP for child under 12. Alhamdullilah!

We plan, but Allah swt  is the best planner.

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