Thursday, November 23, 2017


3 days in a row I did the double running session - non stop. Legs felt tired. Right now I wanted so bad for the training to be over, but everytime I finished my am or pm session, I want to run some more. Pelik.

Last night coach Edan summarized our training for the past 7 weeks. He even printed our individual TSS chart explaning about our fitness level, fatigue & form data. I love looking at my chart. Everything looks good. 

Right now my form shown negative -34. But thats ok. Im still in my training weeks and build periods. Once I start tapering nanti, my fatigue will decrease lower than my fitness and results in positive form. That is when my body ready for the race.

Though its still too early to say this, I still want to thank coach Edan & Smart Atheletic Club! I learned so much from you. The best coach ever & the coolest running club in Malaysia! So proud to be one of SAC team. I bet SAC is the only club who provide data analysis for each of its members compared to other running club.  

16 days left before Klang marathon. Im super nervous. I wanted so bad to break sub 4 hours as a gift for my hard work. But looking back at the very short training weeks, its tough. I will try my best tho 💪💪💪

#whateverittakes #becauserunningisfun

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