A very well organized event! I give 4.5 star out of 5 for MWM 2018. I wanted to rate 5 actually. But I dont like running in loops.. hihi. To repeat the same hilly loop TWICE for 21km is no joke. I almost want to quit at km 10 okay.. haha (luckily I didnt register for full marathon, kalau tak kena buat 4 loops ok 😱😱😱)
Started the race quite late (as ussual). I arrived early, actually. But my sister's race bib was with me. Have to wait to hand it over to her. Race dah start tapi tak jumpa juga my sis.. ğŸ˜ğŸ˜ğŸ˜
Luckily Halim (from team Checkpointasia) was there at the starting line. Borrowed his phone and called my sister.
Finished in 2:23 more than targeted time.. 😅😅😅 Jeles tengok semua orang ada pacer.. haha.
With my babygirl after finished my run.
My mini.. she love the Orchid bouquet! Yes, they gave orchid to all finishers.
With daddy
My mini
Shes wearing MWM 2018 finisher buff & medal
She reallyyy love fashion & accessories.
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