Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I know, I know, I know..

I know.. 3 minggu lepas, aku ada mention nak tarik diri dari mana2 race.

Tapi, 3 minggu lepas, aku sendiri tak sure sama ada aku boleh berlari semula 😊. 

Dan alhamdullilah, setakat nak lari short distance, insyaAllah tak ada masalah.

So confirmed. I will be running Bursa Bull Corporate Challenge Relay under Maybank (3km) & Asics Relay under SAC Team (5km)

Since tak ada apa2 expectation for both event & mutual understanding from both of my relay team-mates, I will run this race base on my comfortable pace 😊😊. So no pressure 😊😊

And looking at both race routes, alhamdulilah, route tak hazab sangat. Yeay!

Route for 5km Asics relay

Route for 3km Bursa Challenge

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